How to Write An Email For getting A job For Being A Copywriters.

Sample of An Email of getting A job For Being A Copywriters.

A copywriter knows the best use of the words, This is not required to tell them how to write an email.

However, if anyone is just starting up, maybe this template will help.

Hi [Client’s name],

This is [your name] and I offer my candidacy for a freelance copywriter.

I just found  your job posting on [name of the website] and noticed that there’s an opening for a blog article writer in your business blog.

I’ve been doing  freelance writing work  for [number of years] years and I have managed to help develop several outstanding and successful blogs for my clients.

Not to brag, but I also write multiple articles which has been published on popular authoritative websites such as [mention and link to the websites]. Please have a look and see if my writing style fits your blog’s strategy.

I know that getting a lot of shares on social media is just as important as optimizing articles for search engines. And I use lots of excellent tools to make sure to target both those areas.

If  you think that I am able to do your work , please come up with some topics and ideas for great articles for your blog.

Kind regards,

[Your email signature]

Giving insight into how you work and providing examples of work is an important tactic you must always use.

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